Janine Holmes brings a rich background as a 28-year educator to her role as School Turnaround Specialist. She began her career as a science teacher in secondary schools in Orleans and Jefferson Parish. As a teacher, she promoted engagement with science phenomena through inquiry-based lessons with her students in addition to public presentations in district science expositions. Later, she transitioned into administrative roles. Carrying her passion of quality education for all students into her new positions, she advanced as dean of students and assistant principal before serving as a long-term principal of elementary and middle public schools.
After her 15-year stint as principal–with deliberate focus on teaching and learning methods resulting in exemplary growth of her students–Janine Holmes continued her career by supporting charter school leaders in Orleans Parish with improvement efforts. She drew upon her extensive knowledge to produce efficient internal systems including student services, data analyses and instructional practices, as well as assessment and accountability processes. She has a vested interest in ensuring meaningful educational experiences for all students.
An avid learner, Janine Holmes earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Xavier University of New Orleans and is currently a fellow with the Research Institute for a Quality and Equitable Education (RIQEE) at the University of Holy Cross. Most importantly, she is the proud mother of one daughter who is an undergraduate at Xavier University.