Welcome Back Families


Welcome Back Athlos Families,

We missed your student(s) over the holiday break and are so excited to have them back on campus today.  As with our own children we know that after a holiday break some reminders and tips may be needed as we get back into the learning environment.  Here a few reminders that we reviewed with your student today and we hope you can review with them at home.

Cell Phone Policy

There are limited times where a teacher will ask students to utilize their cell phone or personal technology devices during the school day which is the only reason a student should have said device out during the school day.  Our policy is that the cell phone must be powered off and in their bookbag during the day.  The use of purses and jacket pockets do not equate to our policy of stowing in a book bag and will be in compliance with our policy.  You can read more about our cell phone policy here: https://www.athlosjp.org/wp-content/uploads/bsk-pdf-manager/2019/05/5402-Electronic-Devices-Policy.pdf

Dismissal to Buses

Moving safely and in a timely fashion onto school provided transportation ensures that all students can get home at their scheduled time.  K-4th grade students will continue to be escorted to their bust at the end of the day by their teacher.  5th-8th grade students are released by a bell and have 5 minutes to board their bus before the doors are closed to begin the transportation process.  We’ve studied the time it takes students to move from any classroom in the building to a bus during dismissal and 5 minutes is adequate time to make it from any location in the building to a bus.   If your student should choose not to board the bus in the 5 minute boarding period they will not be granted entry to the bus and will require a parent to pick them up from the school.

Tardy Policy

The first moments of the school day, called the Morning Huddle, are critical to setting the tone for the whole day. Please be on time every day. Students arriving more than 10 minutes late must check in at the front office. Chronic tardiness will be escalated to a disciplinary issue. Please take tardiness seriously and ensure your student is on time daily.  We will be reviewing student tardy rates beginning this week and will be contacting you after 3 times tardy to discuss a resolution.  Please note that chronic tardiness can equate to absences and be considered truancy.

Check Out Policy

As we get back into the routine of appointments in the new year please remember that there is no availability to check out your student after 2:30pm.  This is to ensure that Driveline and Bus Transportation can flow as scheduled. You can review this and other policies in our family handbook: https://www.athlosjp.org/wp-content/uploads/bsk-pdf-manager/2020/10/AAJP-Family-Handbook-10.22.20-Edits.pdf

Parent Conferences

We have a parent conference day on January 14th.  Please reach out to your teachers for availability to meet as we would love to see you in the school.  If you would like to meet with a member of our school administration, instructional team or student culture team please feel free to contact them directly.  We will school will be closed on January 14th for conferences and January 17th in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

We affectionately call this time a sprint to Spring because we’ve eclipsed over 50% of our school year and we feel every minute and every day is vital to the success of your student.  We look forward to partnering with you to ensure we have safe and focus learning environment for every student.  Have a great week and Go Tritons!

Darin Knicely, Superintendent of Schools

Cheryl Martin, Principal of Lower School

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